1) wright the steps involved in maken bonsai trees on monday.
who taught you? joy.
what tools did you use? sissors, chop sticks and other exciting tools.
where were you working? in the white tunle house in L block.
did you choose your own tree or did you get given one? we chose our own trees.
2) reflect on what you learned.
was it easy or chellenging? it was quite easy.
did you injoy it? yup.
what skills did you learn and could you use them in tother situations? well for starters i learned how to. make a bonsai tree and shape them so if i wanted to make one at home i could.
did any problems come up if so how did you solve them? no problems came up.
3) wright up the steps taken towords the development of the bonsai garden with jamie on wednesday.
what skills did you use? our bonsai maken skills and our designing skills.
haha i no my bad