Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Horticulture 6th week term 1

)Write up the steps done towards your bonsai garden project this week ( for example, collecting rocks from the quarry).

* When we got to horticulture yesturday 14th of march we had to build these wood square things for the compost that where going to put around by the chickens in L block.

* also in the room where we are making out chapanese garden had to lay down some wet news paper and on top of the news paper we had to lay down a big long bit ov plastic and the reson we lay down the wet news paper before the plastic is so that the roots dont grow up nd rip the plastic and we had to put down the news paper and plastic along where our pond is going to be and after all that we put some of our big rocks in the middle spreaded out along the pond for our stepping stones.

* we went to the quarry to go and collect some rocks then drove back to campus and we had to go back and foword to get the rocks off the trailer using a wellbarrow and to carry the biggest rocks we used a box carrier thingy and we just tipped the rocks into the chapanese garnden.

THE QUARRY,r:0,s:0

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