Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Week 17 21st june 2012

well today we sorter just had to do our own thing so i decided to work on my rocking cradle witch i still have to finish, all i really have to do is glue it all together and bolt the rocking part to the legs and i should be finished.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Week 17     18th-22nd June
Write a paragraph about what happened  carpentry practical this week. What specific tasks were you involved with?

well yesturday the 19th of june we were working on our shed its going pretty well every one was involved but i was mostly involved in the hammering stages and putting on the roof.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Week 16 11-15th June

Do some online research into sustainability and building. Find answers to these questions:
1) What sustainable materials can builders use? local materals and reusing materals
2) What are 2 methods of sustainable building? reusable wood and untreaded wood
3) How can builders minimise waste during construction? reuse,reduse,recycle
4) What features can be added to new buildings to conserve and use less energy? pink bats