Sunday, 20 May 2012

Week 12 14-19th May

Making wooden toys
Task 1

Write a paragraph about making a wooden toy in carpentry. Include details about why you chose that particular toy, how you made it, what tools you used, how long it took to make.

well i chose to make a rocking cradle toy in carpentry and i chose to make this because it looked nice at simple, to make this rocking cradle i needed my rule to measure al the sides and to see where to put the wholes to drill the nails in and stuff and basicly all i needed to use was the drop saw and it took a few days to make this but i still havent finished just need to glue it all together now.

task 2

Write a paragraph to review your project:

1) How successful was your project? vary successfull.2) What went well? everything went vary well.3) What could you have done differently, to make it more successful? nothing i liked it the way i did it.4)Was the choice of toy the right one for the time available? not really but i didnt care im still happy with what i done.
5) Overall, how successful was the group at making their toys?
i think every one of use was successful with maken there toys.
Week 11 7-11th May
1) Carpentry has begun this week. Write about what happened during the first 2 day of carpentry. Include details about

  • The choice of projects you were given
  • How the group chose which project to do
  • The health and safety aspects of carpentry that you learned about.
1) we chose our own project to do, first we were given some books to look at witch had diffrent sort of toys in it and thats how we all chose our projects and at all times we had to where our safty boots and when we went into the room with all the machines in it we always had to where our earmuffs.

2) Assessment questions from Jamie
1/ Name 5 machines in the machine workshop?   
1. drop saw
2. jig saw
3. band saw
4. circular drill
5. router

2/ Whats the maximum amount of timber the thicknesser can remove at once? 3ml 
3/ Name all the tools in your tool box?  tap measure, hammer, ear muffs, chisels, tool belt, combination square.


Sunday, 13 May 2012

Week 10 30th April- 4th May
1) Read Kim's blog post, look at the links in her blog (click on the red writing in her blog) and leave a comment for her - either about something in her blog post or about something you've done in her class.

2) On your blog for this week, write about 2 things you've enjoyed doing the most as part of your horticulture classes

the most tthings i injoyed the most was creating a japanese bonsai tree and designing a japanese garden with the class.
Week 9 23rd- 27th April
1) Read the articles on the links I have put up on the class blog, for Term 2 (Week 9)

Online research: Find out what career pathways there are in horticulture. Find information about 5 different jobs which are linked to horticulture or require training in horticulture.
This will be used as the basis for a class discussion and completion of a worksheet.
2)On your blog: Write details about what you did in horticulture on Monday (23rd April), particularly:

  • What went well?
  • What problem solving did you have to do?
  • How well did your class work as a team?

       career pathways in horiticulture
  • harvesting
  • designing
  • parks or sports grounds
  • vegetables
  • growing

     Write details about what you did in horticulture on Monday (23rd April),

we had a vister in called alan ferguson and he talked to us about landscaping
and design and other things to do with landscape and i think after that we went out
to aromoana to collect seaweeds for some reason

  • What went well?  everything went well but was abit tired though
  • What problem solving did you have to do? cant remember
  • How well did your class work as a team? very well
    Week 7 26-30th March

    Write about your horticulture practical day on Wednesday with Jamie

    Write about your horticulture practical day on Wednesday with Jamie

    • What did you do today? maden wood things with names on it for bonsais
    • What skills did you use? we used our designing skills
    • What did you learn? where all the materials had to be placed